Just a few hours ago, we ushered in the new year 2021, and it is already the 2nd day of the year. In you are in Wellington New Zealand, you have already gone to bed to wake up on the 3rd day. Have you started developing new habits that will improve your life and your relationship with others?
As the euphoria of the new year has died down, we thought it is the right time to talk about habits that we should develop or improve upon in 2021.
Habit #1
Grow: Be intentional about your growth.
a. Identify your strengths and leverage them to your advantage.
b. Identify your weaknesses and define measurable improvements and timelines for attaining them.
- Read also; Bible Lessons for 2021: Setting your Financial/Investment Goals
- Retirement: when and how to prepare to be financially ready
Habit #2
Be true to yourself: You might deceive everyone, but you can never deceive yourself, follow your convictions.
Habit #3
Believe: Deepen your faith, not “religious walk” true faith defines what motivate and inspire you, religion on the other hand simply regulates outward conducts with limited internal change.
Habit #4
Stop procrastination: Always do what you ought to do when they ought to be done. Procrastination is delay! You may never get things done if you keep procrastinating.
Habit #5
Dare to be different: Normalcy is boring, you can’t do things the ordinary way and expect extraordinary results, be unique.
Habit #6
Create real wealth: Acquire more assets and less liability, learn to differentiate your wants from your needs as this is very important in finance.
Habit #7
Be a giver: Pick up a quest that will have real impact on the lives of people around you, especially to the less privileged and orphanages.
Habit #8
Live below your means: Don’t thrive on debt, always remember you have families to feed and not a community to impress with your expensive wears, nobody cares about your expensive wears
Habit #9
Enjoy your life: Once in a while give yourself a good treat, remember “all works and no play makes jack a dull boy” spoil yourself.
Habit #10
Just start: Start from where you are with what you have, a writer once said “the best time to start was always yesterday, now another best time to start is today” so start.
By; Authentic Mike (@corporatewater1)
God bless you for this wonderful write up