Market Spotlight: Price adjustment of BUA Cement Plc

The share price of BUA Cement Plc (NSE ticker – BUACEMENT), was adjusted on Monday, 28 September 2020, for a final dividend of N1.75 as proposed by the directors of the company, for the year ended 31 December 2019.

The Ex-dividend share price of BUA Cement on Monday was N38.55 per share, following a closing price of N40.30 on Friday.

The proposed dividend, if approved by the shareholders, will be paid to shareholders whose names appear in the Register of Members as at the close of business on 25 September 2020.

The dividend, subject to 10% withholding tax, will be paid electronically on 23 October 2020 to those who have completed the e-dividend registration and mandated the registrar (Africa Prudential Registrar) to pay their dividends direct to Bank accounts.

At the time of this report, BUACEMENT is up by 4.80% to N40.40 per share surpassing the previous closing price by N0.10.

Written by;

Ifunanya Ikueze

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