Glaxosmithkline Consumer Nigeria Plc (NGX: GLAXOSMITH), held its 51st Annual General Meeting on Thursday, 26th May 2022.
The meeting was held at GSK Nigeria House, 1, Industrial Avenue, Ilupeju, Lagos and the following resolutions were proposed and passed according to the filing on the Nigerian Exchange.
1. “That on the recommendation of the Board of Directors, a cash dividend of 45 Kobo (Forty-Five Kobo) per one Ordinary Share of 50 Kobo each from after tax profit for the year ended 31 December 2021 be paid to the Shareholders whose names appear in the Company’s Register of Members at the close of business on Friday, 22nd of April 2022.”
2. “That pursuant to Section 274(2) of the Companies and Allied Matters Act, 2020 and Article 95 of the Articles of Association of the Company, the appointment of Ms. Amina Salihu as a Director of the Company, respectively be and is hereby approved.”
3. “That pursuant to Section 285(1) of the Companies and Allied Matters Act, 2020 and Article 91 of the Company’s Articles of Association, two Directors, Mr. Samuel Kuye and Mrs. Oludewa EdodoThorpe are retiring from the Board of Directors by rotation; and in accordance with Section 285 (3) of CAMA 2020, the Directors being eligible and having offered themselves for re-election are hereby re-elected.”
4. “That the remuneration of N1,800,000 (One Million, Eight Hundred Thousand Naira only) for the Chairman and the Non-Executive Directors, for the year ending 31st December 2021, be and is hereby approved.”
5. “That pursuant to Section 404(3) of the Companies and Allied Matters Act, 2020, Mr. Kashimawo A. Taiwo, Mr. S.O. Ogunnowo, and Mr. Y.T. Mosuro, are hereby re-elected as representatives of the Shareholders on the Audit Committee of the Company for the financial year ending 31st December 2022.”
6. “That pursuant to Section 401(1) of the Companies and Allied Matters Act, 2020, the firm of Deloitte & Touche are hereby re-appointed Auditors. In accordance with Section 408(b) of the same Act, the Directors are hereby authorized to fix the remuneration and expenses of the Auditors for the ensuing year ending 31st December 2022.”
7. “That pursuant to the NSE Rules Governing Transactions with Related Parties or Interested Persons, the Company is authorized to procure goods and services necessary for its operations from related third parties.”
The share price of GLAXOSMITH closed at N6.95 per share on Thursday on the Nigerian Exchange.
The payment date for the approved dividend is Friday, May 27, 2022.
Ifunanya Ikueze is an Engineer, Safety Professional, Writer, Investor, Entrepreneur and Educator.