Mutual Benefits Assurance Plc postpones 25th AGM

Mutual Benefits Assurance Plc has postponed the 25th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the company.

The meeting has been moved from 29th July 2021 to 5th August 2021 at 10.00am, according to a publication on the Nigerian Exchange on Thursday.

The venue and agenda for the meeting as previously announced by the company remain the same. The venue is Radisson Hotel, Isaac John Street, GRA Ikeja Lagos. The company also apologized for the inconveniences caused by the postponement.

Among the ordinary business to be transacted at the meeting is to lay the audited financial statement of the company, for the year ended 31st December 2020 together with the report of directors, auditors and audit committee before the shareholders of the company.

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The company said that the attendance of the meeting will be by proxy in line with the CDC guidelines. Shareholders are required to appoint a proxy of their choice from the list of nominated proxies below;

The AGM will be streamed live to enable shareholders and other stakeholders who will not be attending physically to view the proceedings, according to the company. It added that the link for the AGM broadcast will be made available on the company’s website.

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