Drip Irrigation: towards Ensuring Maximal All-Year Round Yield

The Nigerian agricultural space is the game at the moment, and this is just the truth. Many investors are venturing into agriculture either as participant agripreneurs or indirect investors.

The sector has, within this pandemic, redirected focus to it once again. Inasmuch as there could be dropouts as we progress, currently, most companies are looking at how to divest their investments, in order not to be caught napping again as happened with the emergence of this deadly COVID-19 pandemic.

Agriculture has created many facets of job openings, thereby minimizing the number of unemployed Nigerians.

Lots of new techniques have come up to enhance the productivity of agriculture in recent times. Farming has mostly been hindered by over reliance on wet farming which largely depends on rains to grow crops. This system has changed in mechanized agriculture in most developed economies.

In order to farm during both the rainy and dry seasons (wet and dry farming), the concept of drip irrigation was developed. Irrigation has been the age-long practice of giving water to plants using various means apart from natural, direct rain fall.

To ease the challenges of watering massive farmlands, farmers most times site their farms near running streams and rivers. But this has gross limitations because of its manual application.

Drip irrigation came in handy to solve this. It is relatively new in Nigeria and farmers are gradually adopting it as a technique for all-year round farming.

Drip irrigation is a type of irrigation that sends water to plants’ root zones directly using a network of pipes connected to a reliable water source.

These pipes have emitters installed in them through which water is disseminated. This allows the plants to receive water as at when needed. It could be regulated to drop at set periodic frequency.

There is more to drip irrigation than just watering of plants. Through this system, nutrients can be passed directly to the plant root zones thereby saving manpower, time and cost. This is called fertigation and makes it a very efficient way to manage farms. Fertigation via drip irrigation uses venture injectors to apply high quality soluble fertilizers in small, required doses to plants on a daily basis.

Drip irrigation is also used for chemigation through which pesticides are applied to plants’ roots and the soil in order to kill harmful microbes, nematodes, insects, and so on using dosing pumps, drip tapes and venture pumps.

Having enumerated some of the uses above, it is imperative that we emphasize the importance in maximizing its usage. This borders on efficiency and effectiveness. Both have to do with time and value.

To get the best of drip irrigation, the role of learning cannot be overemphasized. Being relatively new in Nigeria, lots of new users misapply this investment-turning technique. It is advisable to toe the following steps while deciding to use this farm technique:

The advantages of using drip irrigation are so many. Not only does it minimize cost and maximize profit, it also gives you something near a hundred percent yield. Drip irrigation gives you advantage of harvesting in plants’ off-season. For instance, tomato can be harvested in May/June (that is usually the planting season) and with robust drip system, a farmer can have up to 21 tons yield per acre of tomato farm. Farmers are enjoined to key into this technology.

Written by,

Edokobi Azuka Stephen (+234 803 553 5948)

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