UBA Plc to pay 50 Kobo Interim Dividend for Half-Year 2023

The Directors of United Bank for Africa Plc (NGX: UBA), pursuant to the powers vested in it by the provisions of Section 379 of the Companies and Allied Matters Act (CAMA) of Nigeria, has proposed an interim dividend of N0.50 per share (30 June 2022: N0.20 per share) from the retained earnings account as at 30 June 2023.

The proposed interim dividend amounts to a pay-out ratio of 7.3% (30 June 2022: 2.9%), and a yield of 3.65%.

Have you read this? List of Dividends announced in 2023, qualification and payment dates

The interim dividend will be subject to the deduction of appropriate withholding tax, which will be deducted at the time of payment.

corporate actions announcement filed by UBA seen by Investogist sets the dividend dates as follows;

On Friday, October 6, 2023, the Interim dividend will be paid electronically to shareholders whose names appear on the Register of Members as at close of business on Tuesday, September 26, 2023 and who have completed the e-dividend registration and mandated the Registrar to pay their dividends directly into their Bank accounts.

Shareholders who are yet to complete the e-dividend registration are advised to download the E-Dividend Mandate Form, which is available at http://www.africaprudential.com, complete and submit to the Registrar at the address below, any UBA Branch, or their respective banks. Shareholders are also advised to update their records with the Registrar as may be required. The Shareholder Data Form is also available on the Registrar’s website. Duly completed forms should be returned to the Registrar or any Branch. Alternatively, scanned completed forms can be sent to cxc@africaprudential.com or investorrelations@ubagroup.com.

Shareholders with dividend warrants and share certificates that have remained unclaimed or are yet to be presented for payment or returned for validation are advised to complete the e-dividend registration or contact the Registrar.

United Bank for Africa Plc posted a profit after tax of N378.23bn (H1 2022: N70.33bn) for the half-year period ended June 30, 2023 and an Earnings Per Share (EPS) of N10.95 (H1 2022: N1.98).

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