Oando kicks-off test of electric vehicles for mass transportation in Lagos

Oando Clean Energy Limited (OCEL) has launched the first phase of its Sustainable Transport Initiative for Lagos State. As per the initiative, OCEL will introduce electric buses to Lagos Metropolitan Area Transport Authority’s (LAMATA) current fleet of buses.

In an press release published on the Nigerian Exchange Limited, OECL stated that it aims to support the transformation of the State’s public transport system through the development and deployment of a pathway to a carbon free mobility ecosystem within the State.

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The company stated that the roll-out of the electric buses kicks off a three-month Proof-Of-Concept (PoC) phase, aimed at establishing the viability of electric vehicles for mass transportation in Lagos State.

This will be followed by a Pilot phase with an expanded fleet and bus routes, and the eventual countrywide deployment creating employment for over 30,000 Nigerians.

In her opening remarks at the event to birth the commissioning of the PoC, the Managing Director LAMATA Engr. Abimbola Akinjola said “This initiative is a major aspect of our vision for transportation in Lagos State, we are desirous of having a clean and efficient transportation system. Today’s event is proof of our desire to involve the private sector in our activities to give the average Lagosian the ability to meet their mobility needs. LAMATA is a multi-fuel transport regulatory agency for Lagos hence the partnership with OCEL for the use of EV buses in passenger operations. From LAMATA’s perspective we are open to do business with the private sector whilst ensuring that these partners are aligned with the vision of Lagos state.”

In recognition of the urgent need for electric vehicles to address transportation’s 62% contribution to Nigeria’s GHG emissions, the President/CEO of OCEL, Dr. Ainojie ‘Alex’ Irune commented; “This is an opportunity for us to revolutionize mobility in our country as well as build local capacity for the renewable and clean energy ecosystem. Whilst today these buses have come from across the world, in the very near future they will be produced here in Nigeria.

“In the very near future, we will have a multitude of locally trained engineers who are capable of operating, maintaining, and servicing these buses and other renewable energy assets. We see these buses as a first step. This PoC facilitates the collection of the first sets of data points to support the development and deployment of EV for municipal and public transport on the continent. Our ambition together with Lagos state, is to set our sights on the future and chart a path for others to follow.

“We have worked tirelessly to get here, and we are confident that the steps we are taking, which I must reiterate would not have been possible without the support of Lagos state, LAMATA, LBSL, Primero, and His Excellency, the Governor, who saw the vision and imperative of committing to this journey.”

In June 2022, Investogist reported that OECL announced  that it will be partnering with Lagos State in her journey to becoming a sustainable city via the rollout of electric mass transit buses, supporting charging infrastructure and service centers (EV Infrastructure Ecosystem).

The agreement between the parties will see to the deployment of over 12,000 electric buses in Lagos State, helping to transition the current combustion mass transit buses to electric buses, and with a view to generating for Lagos State about $2.6 billion as estimated economic cost savings, create 3,000 employment opportunities for drivers and 2,000 job openings for other support staff.

In April, OCEL announced that it has taken delivery of the electric mass transit busses that will kick off the Proof of Concept phase of the company’s Sustainable Transport Initiative.

The buses are being supplied by China’s Yutong Bus Co Limited, and are equipped with air conditioning and Wi-Fi.

In addition to the arrival of these electric buses, OCEL has also taken delivery of the charging stations and spare parts necessary to ensure their effective operation.

Oando Clean Energy Limited is a subsidiary of Oando Energy Resources, which is a part of the Oando Plc (NGX: OANDO) group of companies.

The company’s core areas of interest include Sustainable Transport, Solar Energy Solutions, Gas & Biofuels, Waste to Energy,
Wind Farms, Geothermal Power Plants, Hydro Energy and other emerging technologies.

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