I’ve chosen my tomb in Rome, not Vatican – Pope Francis

Pope Francis says he has chosen to be buried in a basilica in Rome and not in St Peter’s Basilica alongside his immediate predecessors.

The pontiff, who turns 87 this weekend stated this in an interview broadcast on Wednesday.

“The place is already prepared. I want to be buried in Santa Maria Maggiore,” he told Mexican broadcaster Televisa’s N+ in an interview Tuesday evening  to mark the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

Santa Maria Maggiore which Pope Francis said he felt a “special connection” is one of the four papal basilicas in Rome.

He would be the first pope to be buried outside the Vatican in over 100 years.

The last was Leo XIII, who died in 1903. His was buried in the basilica of St John the Lateran in Rome.

Pope Francis often visits Santa Maria Maggiore on a Sunday while visiting Rome before becoming pope. Since becoming Pope, he often goes there to pray before and after each of his foreign trips.

He however said that the funeral Mass itself would be expected to be held in St. Peter’s Square.

Seven popes have previously been laid to rest in the basilica, according to the Vatican News official media outlet.

Asked about his health, he said: “I feel good, I feel improved. Sometimes I’m told I’m not prudent because I feel like doing things and moving around. I guess those are good signs, no? I am quite well”.

Pope Francis has said he would be ready to resign – as Benedict did in 2013 – if his health became extremely bad, but also believes that papal resignations should not become the norm.

His predecessor Benedict XVI in 2013 became the first pope since the Middle Ages to resign.

Pope Benedict died on December 31, 2022, and after a funeral in St Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican — led by Francis — his body was buried in the tomb under the church.

Pope Francis was forced to cancel a trip to Dubai this month to attend the COP28 climate summit due to ill health. He had surgery in June to repair an abdominal hernia and appears to have recovered completely from that operation.

The German pontiff in 2013 became the first pope since the Middle Ages to resign.

Benedict died on December 31, 2022, and after a funeral in St Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican — led by Francis — his body was buried in the tomb under the church.

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